Tuesday 16 April 2024

the light that blew with the wind

 16th April 2024, Bamburgh, 9am

The day started with a fierce northerly wind but it brought some beautiful light with it.

 16th April 2024, Bamburgh, 5pm

By the other end of the day the wind had dropped but the light was still beautiful

Sunday 14 April 2024

paws and feet

 14th April 24, Warkworth, 9am

Footprints and Pawprints down the sunny beach


 12th April 24, Warkworth, 9am

on the shining beach

Monday 8 April 2024

between the rainy days...

8th April, Warkworth, 2pm

A very high tide means no beach to walk on.


5th April 24, Alnmouth, 11am

clocks forward

 31st March 24, Simonside, 7am

Always blissfully quiet early in the morning but even better when the clocks have gone forward and everyone else is in bed...

Saturday 30 March 2024


 30th March 24, Warkworth, 9am

Easter Saturday and this is the level of crowdedness I can cope with

Friday 22 March 2024

east vs west

 22nd March 2024, Embleton Bay, 8am

The strong wind was straight out the west but the sun was in the east so eventually I found a sheltered sunny spot on "Daisy's perch" to rest my feet.